Psyche and consciousness

The psyche is a complex phenomenon of which different theories and models exist from both Western and Eastern philosophies and life philosophies. The Buddhist psychology and eastern thinking, considers the psyche of man as a chain of consciousness that flows from one moment to another type and condition, depending on at which time you view a state of consciousness. A fixed personality or character in the sense of 'immutable psychological characteristics' do not exist according to the Buddhist psychological thinking and therefore this is seen as an "illusion".

Psychological suffering
The Buddhist philosophy sees the 'psychological suffering' as a basic truth that is inescapable in everybody's life. Everyone always has to cope with some form of "suffering". People may feel anxious when thinking ahead to 'loss' of material objects (job, home, finance, etc.), but also in anticipation of loss of status, ego, identity (e.g. doping scandal at the cyclist, Lance Armstrong) or loss of 'health' (physical illness, mental stress, etc.).

People are 'depressed' because they do not actually know anymore what makes them 'happy'. A 'loss' of a loved one for instance, can have a dramatic depressive impact on a person's emotion when the experiencing loss is not compensated. The mental attitude and / or behavior of somewhere to stay "desire" or adherence to the 'object' of attention thus directly affects the subjective chain of consciousness flow, allowing the psyche of human pain, sorrow and fear experienced.

Hatred is the second 'poison' to the psyche of man according to Buddhist teachings. The tendency to defend yourself for self-preservation and protection of territory on material, but also spiritual plane, is often accompanied by feelings of aggression and hatred. These aggressive states are seen as unwholesome ('unpleasant') factors for the psyche and consciousness because the spiritual peace is seriously disturbed and this resulting imbalance causes health problems.

The third "poison" as the cause for mental suffering is "ignorance". This means that people have "blind spots" in their thinking and psyche, and often do not realize that their own institutions, behavior and personal beliefs turn to himself. Fixed beliefs about themselves and the perceived possibilities or impossibilities about themselves and others, are often not questioned because they continue to be accepted as immutable truth and these sacred truths must not be compromised.

Total Health will diagnose the unwholesome factors in the behavior and psyche on the basis of the factors 'greed', 'hate' and 'ignorance' and change them into more beneficial factors. The release of 'sickening thoughts "and the acquisition of new behavior and cultivating a broadening attitude, or open spirituality is the main goal of therapy within the practice of Total Health. The imbalance is eliminated and thus the psychological suffering softened and reduced. The consciousness must again flow like a river and not be seen as a stagnant and stinking puddle of water in which no life is possible.

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